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Kaizzen Speak your truth cards

Kaizzen Speak your truth cards

Regular price $799.00USD
Regular price $999.00USD Sale price $799.00USD
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A card game specially designed to deal with emotional triggers. It’s a fun way to have difficult conversations in a safe space.


If you find it hard to talk about your mental and emotional struggles this card deck is for you. We must stay truthful about what aligns with our energy & what doesn’t.


Who can play this game?

Anyone who can answer these questions can play the game; it is a great bonding exercise for all Players.

What is the purpose?

These cards deal with 4 areas of life- Individuality, Relationships, Safety, Growth

That’s why it’s recommended to play this deck in your safe space with people who cares about you.

Questions are designed to better understand the workings of your inner world, while stimulating and cleansing your 7 chakras.


With a shuffled deck in the middle, each player draws a card and answers the question on it.

The rest of the players will also participate in assessing if they believe the player is telling the truth.