About The Kaizzen Way

In a world that is ever-evolving, we believe in providing young minds with the tools they need, not only to navigate challenges but to flourish in their unique journeys. 

We encourage a lifestyle that goes beyond entertainment – the books, tools and games are designed to foster resilience, mindfulness, and emotional intelligence in children. 

Our creations are tools for self-discovery, helping children understand and embrace the vast landscape of their own thoughts and emotions. 

Self-Reliant but never isolated.

We aim to groom children into mentally & emotionally resilient beings, who can not only think for themselves but also be empathetic and make sound decisions in absence of adult guidance.

We strive for a strong bond between a parent & their child that allows the parent a window into their ward’s thought process. In turn, we encourage the child to seek the right guidance from a trusted source and not get swayed by peer pressure.

Helping your child manage their BIG emotions could be a daunting task for new parents. Sometimes our own conditioning can become a barrier to our child’s growth.

Our toolkits & games are specially designed to enable a child’s thought process to communicate their needs, so the parents don’t have to do emotional & mental guesswork.

About The Founder

Preksha Bhutoria, born and brought up in Chennai is an image consultant, parent coach, and mindfulness coach. With a media & event management background, she started earning her keep at the age of 17 until she got married and landed in Hyderabad.

Her spiritual journey began at 18 as she found herself drawn to the mysteries of tarot. She later expanded her learnings to angel healing, tarot reading, crystal healing, numerology, color therapy in the process.

A rather shy and introverted child who love to read, her childhood on the surface was a colorful one, but the emotional turmoil she felt due to the lack of mental health support loomed over her and she realized the importance of a child’s mental well-being. 

Today, she has beautiful twin daughters Amyra and Anaya, and being a mother she wishes to see them flourish, but prioritizes their peace and happiness above all. They are the inspiration behind this initiative, as she aims to encourage the children of today’s digital age to go back to the very basics, which are highly ignored in today’s times. Due diligence is paid to connect a child with themselves and their parents on a deeper level.

The goal is to create an emotional and mental safe space, preparing  the children to take on the world with more awareness of themselves and their surroundings.